Welcome to our hotel. We wish you a pleasant stay. It is very important to us th

游客2023-09-20  12

问题 Welcome to our hotel. We wish you a pleasant stay. It is very important to us that your stay be comfortable and enjoyable. We take great pride in providing our guests with the highest levels of professional service. This Guest Information Guide tells you about the services and amenities(娱乐设施) we offer at the hotel. If you should have any more questions, please give us a call at the Front Desk.


答案 欢迎下榻我们的酒店。希望您拥有一个愉快的住宿体验。您的舒适及愉快是我们的首要责任。能为您提供最高品质的服务是我们的荣幸。这份顾客信息指南介绍了酒店提供的所有服务项目及娱乐设施。如果您有任何疑问,请致电酒店前台咨询。

解析 短文是有关酒店服务介绍的,针对顾客,说明酒店将顾客至上作为服务宗旨,并为住宿者提供满意服务。翻译时需注意措辞,使用正式语言,避免口头用语。