[originaltext]M: I’m a bit worried about giving a speech at the meeting tomorro

游客2023-09-20  13

M: I’m a bit worried about giving a speech at the meeting tomorrow.
W: Surely you’ll do well as long as you get well prepared
Q: What is the man going to do tomorrow?
M: Do you know anything about the company?
W: Oh, yes. It’s one of the top 10 in the IT industry in the country.
Q: What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man is going to work in the IT company.
B、The woman has no idea about the IT company.
C、The woman wants to work in the man’s company.
D、The company is among the top ones in the IT industry.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题。题目问从对话中可知道的信息。男士向女士打听公司的事情,女士说:“它是本国IT行业十强之一(one of the top 10)。”D项中的among the top ones为其同义表达,为答案。