[originaltext]W: George, do you have any idea to improve our brand image? M: O

游客2023-09-20  22

W: George, do you have any idea to improve our brand image?
M: Oh, I’ve just talked about the brand image with Susan.
Q: What are the two speakers talking about?
M: Excuse me, how can I get to the manager’s office?
W: Take the lift to the fifth floor. It’s the third office on the left.
Q: Where is the manager’s office?

选项 A、On the third floor.
B、On the fifth floor.
C、On the sixth floor.
D、On the eighth floor.

答案 B

解析 细节辨认题。男士询问如何去经理办公室,女士告诉他乘电梯到五层,左起第三个办公室即是,由此可知,经理的办公室在第五层,所以确定B)“在第五层”为本题的答案。A)“在第三层”、C)“在第六层”和D)“在第八层”均与对话内容不符,可以排除。