"But I just paid $1.69 for this bottle of wine last week. How come the price

游客2023-09-19  6

问题     "But I just paid $1.69 for this bottle of wine last week. How come the price is now $2.25? What’s going on?"
    There are at least three things going on that have caused the price of wine to rise. All have to do with the supply and demand factors of economics.
    The first factor is that people are drinking more wine than ever before. This demand for more wine has increased overall (总体) wine sales in America at the rate of 15 percent a year.
    The second factor is that the supply of wine has stayed relatively the same, which means that the same number of bottles is produced each year. Wine producers are trying to open up new land to grow more grapes (葡萄). But in at least three wine-producing areas of the world—France, Germany, and California—new vineyards (葡萄园) will not be available in the near future. Wines are produced in other countries, such as Italy, Spain and Australia, but none of these countries will be able to fill the demand for good wines.
    The third factor is that costs of wine productions are increasing. The men who make wine are asking for more money, and the machinery needed to press the grapes is becoming more expensive.
    When the demand for something is greater than the supply, prices go up. When production costs, meaning the prices of labor and machinery, rise, the producer adds this increase to the price of the wine. [br] The three factors mentioned in the passage cause ______.

选项 A、the sales of wine to increase
B、the price of wine to go up
C、the production of wine to decrease
D、more and more people to drink wine

答案 B

解析 题目中提到的three factors分别出现在第二至五段。第二段是总起段,其中第一句谈到,至少有三个方面(three things)导致了葡萄酒的价格上升(the price of wine to rise)。这里的three things就是题目中的three factors,B项的go up与文中的rise同义,故为正确答案。 ,