Welcome to Stanford Take an online or walking tour of Stanford’s 8 200-acr

游客2023-09-18  8

问题    Welcome to Stanford
   Take an online or walking tour of Stanford’s 8 200-acre campus, or find out about popular attractions in the Visitors’ Guide. For those who still need a primer on " the Farm" (a popular name for the campus) , try learning Stanford speak.
   Facts and FAQs
   Stanford Facts provides a snapshot of the university in numbers, from Nobel Prize winners currently on the faculty to the number of trees on campus (about 25 000). Answers to frequently asked also help orient visitors to Stanford.
   " The children of California shall be our children, " Leland Stanford told his wife, Jane, in 1884 when they began planning Leland Stanford Junior University as a memorial to their son. Learn more about Stanford’ s founding, its presidents and historical landmarks in the online history section.
   Stanford-Wide Publications
   A number of publications cover the entire university community, including the independent student newspaper Stanford Daily, Stanford Report and Stanford Magazine.  [br] In which section can you know more about Stanford’s founder and its presidents?


答案 History section

解析 本题问哪个部分可以让你了解更多的斯坦福大学的创始者和历任校长的信息,由题干中的Stanford’s founder and its presidents定位于文章第三个小标题下段落的第二句Learn more about Stanford’s founding,its presidents and historical landmarks in the online history section,故填History section。