The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various in the kind

游客2023-09-18  18

问题 The hand bags we quoted are all made of the best leather and various in the kinds and the styles in order to meet the requirements of all walks of life in your country.

选项 A、我们所生产的这款手提包由最好的皮革制成,以满足贵国对手提包品种和风格多样性的生活需求。

答案 B

解析 B一2分,C一1分,A一0分 本句的考查点:商务用语的表达。对句子进行梳理,主语为the hand bags,后接两个并列短语are all made of the best leather和various in the kinds and the styles,后用in order to表示目的,B项是最佳答案。C选项中将all walks of life翻译成“不同生活水准”错误,略逊于B项。A选项将并列结构翻译错误,最不可取。