[originaltext] W: How are you getting on, White? Are you still working for t

游客2023-09-18  13

W: How are you getting on, White? Are you still working for the Merrill Lynch Bank?
    M: Yes, Kitty, that’s right.
    W: I suppose you know quite a lot about banking by now, don’t you?
    M: Oh, yes. To tell you the truth, I’m a bit of tired of it.
    W: Really? Isn’t it good to work in a bank?
    M: You know I’ve been working for the Merrill Lynch Bank for over 15 years.
    W: So you are thinking of making a change, are you?
    M: Yes,I am. Actually, you know. I’m thinking of beginning my own business.
    W: That sounds good.
    M: Yes, I thought it over, but the problem is money. If I had enough money, I’d leave the bank tomorrow.
    Question 6-7 are based on the conversation you’ve heard.
    Q6. How does White like his work?
    Q7. What does White plan to do?

选项 A、He plans to go abroad.
B、He plans to start his own business.
C、He plans to work in another bank.
D、He plans to venture with Kitty.

答案 B

解析 问题问的是怀特准备做什么。根据对话,怀特说“I’m thinking of beginning my own business.”和 B项中的“plans to start his own business”表达的意思相同。故选 B。