[originaltext] M: What are the chances of you getting a raise this year?

游客2023-09-18  14

M: What are the chances of you getting a raise this year?
    W: Chances are slim!
    M: Wow! How many years haven’t you gotten a raise?
    W: It’s been three years! The company keeps losing money and they can’t afford to give anyone a raise.
    M: That’s too bad. Did you ever think of working somewhere else?
    W: Yeah. In fact, I will have an interview next Monday.
    M: Really? What kind of job is that?
    W: The same as my present job.
    M: Good luck!
    W: Thank you!
    8. How are the woman’s chances of getting a raise?
    9. What can we know about the company?
    10. When will the woman have an interview?

选项 A、She will hardly get a raise.
B、She will get a raise every three years.
C、She will get a raise next year.
D、She will get a raise in three years.

答案 A

解析 对话开头男士问女士今年是否有加薪的机会,女士回答加薪的希望渺茫。slim意为“(数量或数字)微小的”。