By saying "it might as well begin with the words ’Once upon a time’"(Para. 1), t

游客2023-09-17  20

问题 By saying "it might as well begin with the words ’Once upon a time’"(Para. 1), the author suggests that the American myth is______. [br] Some Americans try to make themselves feel less guilty by attributing the poverty of the working people to______.


答案 (their)lack of skill/(their)low skill

解析 由题干中的make themselves feel less guilty定位到文章的第3段首句We ease our consciences,Shulman writes,by describing these people as "low skilled"…此处需填入名词性成分,作attribute sth.结构中介同to后面的宾语。题于中的make themselves feel less guilty表示“使他们自己减少内疚感”与文中的ease our consciences“缓解良心上的负罪感”在意义上对应,文中一些美国人的做法describing these people as "low skilled"也正是他们认为一些劳动者贫困的原因,因此应填入(their) lack of skill或(their)low skill。