Special words used in technical discussion ______. [br] It is true that ______.A

游客2023-09-17  15

问题 Special words used in technical discussion ______. [br] It is true that ______.

选项 A、everyone is interested in scientific findings
B、the average man often uses in his own vocabulary what was once technical language not meant for him
C、an educated person would be expected to know most technical terms
D、various professions and occupations often interchange their dialects and jargons

答案 D

解析 细节辨析题,通过理解原文即可推理得知答案。本题与前面的21题有相通之处。根据文章内容,A(每个人都对科学发现感兴趣)是没有根据的、太过绝对的断言;C(受过教育的人都应该了解大多数的专有名同)显然也是有根据的,而不同的专业或行业之间经常互换行话”(选项D)在文中也找不到根据。只有答案B与文章的最后几句话相吻合