In Paragraph One, the author mainly tells us _________. [br] We can infer from t

游客2023-09-17  9

问题 In Paragraph One, the author mainly tells us _________. [br] We can infer from the last two paragraphs that _________.

选项 A、public relations play an important role in the entertainment industry
B、all practitioners in public relations are good at persuasion
C、public relations are only popular in advanced countries
D、public relations have not been heard of in developing countries

答案 C

解析 解答此题需要注意题干中的infer是推断的意思,故文中直接给出的观点不符合题意。选项A在第五段首句明确提出,不符合题目要求。文章最后一段第一句中指出,成功的“public relations practitioner”应该是善于说服别人、善于沟通的专家,但是这并不说明所有从业的public relations practitioners 都善于说服别人,故B错误。文章最后一段最后一句中指出,到目前为止,公共关系服务在很多发展中国家还没有被实际应用,但并不是说发展中国家还不知道“公共关系服务”,因此可推断C正确,同时可排除D。