Intellectual property rights can promote creative individuals’ willingness to sh

游客2023-09-17  12

问题 Intellectual property rights can promote creative individuals’ willingness to share their talent with society. [br] You get a patent doesn’t mean you can use the product because you may be prevented by______.


答案 an earlier patent owner

解析 由题干关键词doesn’t mean you can use the product定位到第二个小标题下第三段第一、二句。In other words,just because you obtain a patent on your product does not mean that you can actually use the product.You may be blocked by an earlier patent owner who exercises the “exclusive right” granted to him under his patent.(换句话说,你获得了某项产品的专利权,并不意味着你能使用该项产品。先前的某位专利所有人可能会阻止你使用该产品,因为他对自己的专利享有“独有的权利”。),即可得出答案。