What is the main subject of this passage? [br] The subject of paragraph 6 is ___

游客2023-09-17  8

问题 What is the main subject of this passage? [br] The subject of paragraph 6 is ______.

选项 A、isolation
B、inherited factors
C、food and diet
D、animal meat

答案 C

解析 本题测试的是对文章段落进行总结概括的能力。文章在第六段一开头就说:...although these three groups don’t eat exactly the same foods, their diets are similar.(尽管这三群人所吃食物不尽相同,但他们节食却是相似的。)且最后又说:They never eat more food than their bodies need.(他们所吃食物从不超过身体所需要的定量)。由此可见本段谈论的主要是食物和节食。因此C项应该是本题的正确答案,而其它三项均不合适。