______ (要不是我导师的帮助), I would not have finished this thesis.If it hadn’t been for

游客2023-09-16  15

问题 ______ (要不是我导师的帮助), I would not have finished this thesis.


答案 If it hadn’t been for my tutor’s help/Had it not been for my tutor’s help/But for my tutor’s help

解析 英语中But for结构,if it weren’t/If it hadn’t been for...以及其倒装结构Were it not for/Had it not been for表示“要不是,如果不是……的话”。又如:The score could have been higher but for the excellent goalkeeping by Simon.要不是西蒙精彩的守门,分数可能会更高。该句也可表达为:If it hadn’t been for the excellent goal keeping by Simon,they could have been higher或Had it not been for the excellent goal keeping by Simon, the score could have been higher.