We can infer from the first paragraph that Lewis Thomas believes that ______. [b

游客2023-09-16  11

问题 We can infer from the first paragraph that Lewis Thomas believes that ______. [br] In the last paragraph, the author cites Keats’ epitaph to show that ______.

选项 A、the poet finally died in the seawater
B、the poet’s dream of his great popularity came true centuries later
C、the importance of one’s life can not be predicted
D、human life is transitory, so don’t waste it

答案 C

解析 由末段第2句中的without consequence可推断Keats认为自己死后会湮没无闻,因此选项C为本题答案。末段第2句是对首句墓志铭的解释,因此结合这两句,可各墓志铭中的writ in water并不是为了指出Keats是被淹死的,而是另有深意,因此选项A不正确;选项B提到Keats想要大受欢迎,这与末段第2句的without consequence相反;原文只提到了选项D中前一个分句的信息,但并未提及后一个分句的信息。