The police met difficulties at the beginning of the case that ______. [br] Neil

游客2023-09-16  11

问题 The police met difficulties at the beginning of the case that ______. [br] Neil was stuck in financial problems because ______.

选项 A、he spent all the money on the new home in Hopkinton
B、he failed an the business in setting up Web sites
C、he earned a low income as an electrical engineer
D、he was unable to pay back the large sum of money

答案 D

解析 根据题干financial problems定位到原文第五段第一句troubled finances。D是第五段第二句中的had racked up thousands of dollars of debt的同义表述。其中,rack up 指“积累”。第三句说明他们只是签了租约合同,还不清楚他们如何付款的,故排除A;原文未提及他的网上生意是否亏本,故排除B;C与第二句unemployed不符。