We modem people eat not only when we are hungry but also when we are in bad mood

游客2023-09-16  20

问题 We modem people eat not only when we are hungry but also when we are in bad mood. [br] Eating fish and walnuts may help keep our spirits up, because they contains ______.


答案 fatty acids

解析 由题干关键词fish and walnuts定位到第二个小标题下第二段第一句和最后一句。第一句指出鱼和胡桃富含脂肪酸,最后一句指出食用含脂肪酸的食品可以使我们精神振奋。也就是说,食用鱼和胡桃可以使我们精神振奋,因为它们富含脂肪酸。