My car was stolen the other day and the police asked meto write down a desc

游客2023-09-16  12

问题     My car was stolen the other day and the police asked me
to write down a description of it to help them trace the thief.
I was surprised that it had been taken although there were                      S1.______
plenty of fast, more up-to-date models in the street, but perhaps               S2.______
I was the only person foolish enough to leave my door
unlocking. I wrote the following description: "My car is a                      S3.______
standard 1965 Mini, painted red, number ABC456C.
It is in good condition, besides that there is a lot of play in the             S4.______
steering. In fact, I was on my way to the garage to have the
steering be adjusted when the car was stolen. The only                          S5.______
accessories are the seat belts also for standard make and                       S6.______
design. The only distinguished mark that would help you is a                    S7.______
scratch on the paintwork about three inch long just above the                   S8.______
left rear wheel. The door on the passenger’s side sticks and
does not open properly. But no doubt the thieves will spray it
some other color and change the number plates!"
    The police reported the next day that they had found
the car in a side street three or four miles away. It was not
damaged but someone had stricken a note to the windscreen.                      S9.______
It read: "To the owner. If you want to kill yourself with this
steering, go away. I’ve got better things to do."                               S10.______


答案 although→because

解析 逻辑关系错误。考查连词在句中的用法。because引导的从句与I was surprised...并列,这两句之间并不存在转折关系,所以although不对。破车被盗让“我”很吃惊,是“因为”街上有更好的车,而不是“尽管”有更好的车。