The invisibility cloak can make something invisible by wrapping ______. [br] Wha

游客2023-09-16  12

问题 The invisibility cloak can make something invisible by wrapping ______. [br] What does David R. Smith want to convey when he says "...except when they’re magic" in the last paragraph?


答案 It seems impossible to build a cloak people wish to have.

解析 由题干定位到文章末段。Indeed,it may be impossible to build a cloak that can block all the colors found in the visible spectrum..通览全段可知,作者通过引用David R. Smith博士的话来说明此段首句的内容,就目前的技术而言,制造一件人们理想中的隐形斗篷似乎不太可能,因此可以围绕此句回答。