Griffith worked for a firm that specialized in economic development in Washingto

游客2023-09-15  17

问题 Griffith worked for a firm that specialized in economic development in Washington D.C. because she needed money to pay for her debt. [br] The college department or association can get payments from the issuer if it sanctions credit cards decorated with ______.


答案 the school’s picture or logo。

解析 根据题干中的信息词payments from the issuer和sanctions定位到第四个小标题下的最后一段,可知有些大学鼓励信用卡公司在校园内吸引学生办卡,如果批准发放那种印有学校照片或标识的信用卡,学校相关院系或部门就可以从发卡方得到报酬。