The ethical behavior refers to ______. [br] According to the measures to improve

游客2023-09-15  16

问题 The ethical behavior refers to ______. [br] According to the measures to improve the safety of traffic, we can know ______.

选项 A、competition criteria must be made to match the injury statistics
B、person who gets the award of "Oscar" is the model for other drivers
C、the campaign must be spread to everyone all over the country
D、one journalist will get the "Oscar" this year if he gives the best opinion

答案 C

解析 根据题:厂关键词safety of traffic定位到文章第四段第一、二句。A large-scale professional campaign is needed for traffic safety on the roads...companies through all normal canals as papers, radio, TV, etc.推断题。“就道路交通安全问题,我们应该举行大型的专业的活动。这个活动必须由高度专业的能够起推进作用的公司通过各种正常的渠道举办,比如利用报纸、广播,电视等等。”由此可以判断如此声势浩大的活动宣传目的就是要全国上下都知道,因此答案为C)。文章第五段倒数第二句“如何确定最好的和最差的人,应该提前就给出清晰的标准。”因此排除A);“Oscar”分为正面的和反面的,此处以偏概全,因此排除B);文章第六段“除了车模之外,媒体、记者和组织单位在去年一年内关于安全驾驶给出了最好意见的也应该获得‘Oscar’。”排除D)是因为去年给出最好建议的记者才能获得今年的奖。