In ancient times, Olympic games were held as a religious festival to honor the G

游客2023-09-15  11

问题 In ancient times, Olympic games were held as a religious festival to honor the Greek gods. [br] The Ancient Olympic games were not international events even though the athletes traveled to compete from different parts of the world.


答案 Y。

解析 由题干中different parts of the world和international events可定位到第一个小标题下第三段首句People who were not Greek could not compete in the Games,...from colonies of the Greek city-states和末句后半句...but regional differences always gave the Olympics an international flavor.段落首尾处设题。本题考查运动员所在地与古代奥运会的关系。根据原文首句可知,来参加奥运会的只能是希腊人,但是希腊人散布在世界各地的殖民地中,他们需长途跋涉面来参加奥运会;根据末句可知,从世界各地而来的希腊人赋予了奥运会国际色彩.由此可知,即使人们从世界各地前来,但却都是希腊人,因此可推断,奥运会并非不同国籍人士间的国际盛会(international events)。题干的说法与原文相符。