Sonja Lyubomirsky bought the car just because she wanted to own a Prius. [br] He

游客2023-09-15  18

问题 Sonja Lyubomirsky bought the car just because she wanted to own a Prius. [br] Hedonic adaptation means people always return to their usual level of happiness after the temporary satisfaction.


答案 Y。

解析 由题干中的hedonic adaptation定位到第二段第二、三句We tend to adapt...ended up no happier than nonwinners.第2句先指出一种现象,即人们会很快回到他们原先的快乐状态。第三句明确指出这种现象就是“hedonic adaptation”,同时还举了一个例子来说明这种现象,题干相当于对这两句进行的总结归纳,与原文表述一致。另外adapt是adaptation的动词形式,可推出第二句是对hedonic adaptation的解释。