A vegetable crop expert advised ______ (将这些蔬菜放置在可以接受八到十小时日晒的地方) a day.putting th

游客2023-09-15  17

问题 A vegetable crop expert advised ______ (将这些蔬菜放置在可以接受八到十小时日晒的地方) a day.


答案 putting these vegetables where they can get from eight to ten hours of sunlight

解析 由给出的中英文可知,此处没有明确的接受建议的对象,因此可采用advise doing sth.的结构。“……的地方”可以译为where引导的地点状语从句,其主语应为“接受……日晒”的vegetables;“日晒”即为“日照,阳光”,泽为sunlight。advise表“建议,劝告”时经常用于以下结构之中:
   ①advise doing sth.建议做某事,如:The manager advised taking a different approach.经理建议换个方式。
   ②advise sb.on sth./to do sth.建议某人做某事,如:The politician advises the government on political affairs.政治家向政府提出政治方面的建议。
   ③advise (sb.) against sth./doing sth.建议(某人)不要做某事,如:I advised Mary against marrying quickly.我建议玛丽不要那么快结婚。