The" wired cities" in the United States were not constructed, ______. [br] With

游客2023-09-15  17

问题 The" wired cities" in the United States were not constructed, ______. [br] With more people on the Web, ______.

选项 A、new surfing software needs to be developed
B、telephone will become more widely used
C、the Internet will become more widely used
D、the Internet will become a status symbol to evaluate people

答案 C

解析 由题干的With more people on the Web定位到原文最后一段倒数第二、三句:Once enough other people were on the Web,it became worthwhile for yet more people.In reality,despite all the talk of Websites,"surfing" and cyber-commerce,the main way most people(including the authors)use the Internet today is for electronic mail(e-mail)-typed messages and documents sent from one PC to another推断题。此题是问随着使用网络的人越来越多,会出现什么结果。最后一段提到人们目前使用 Internet的主要方式是收发电子邮件,其他用途如网上冲浪、电子商务使用得很少,Internet的前景很好。因此,C)最符合题意。[避错]A)“需要开发新的冲浪软件”和B)“电话将被更广泛地应用”与本题无关; D)和原文"neither would be useful except as a status symbol if no one else had one"相反,这是一个虚拟句,实际上Internet并不是一种地位的象征,故排除D)。