The misunderstanding of a word could even affect the way a war ended. [br] For t

游客2023-09-15  22

问题 The misunderstanding of a word could even affect the way a war ended. [br] For the genetic fallacy, there is reference to the individual’s personal abilities.


答案 N

解析 由题干中的the genetic fallacy和reference to the individual’s personal abilities定位到文章第二个小标题下第四句:Note that in neither case is there any reference to the individual’s personal abilities or lack thereof;only to where they came from.题干说genetic fallacy与individual’s personal abilities“个人能力”有关联,而原文则说in neither case is there any...带有否定含义,也即两者根本没有关联,故题干与原文不符,本题答案为N。