[originaltext]W: I hear your son has started a part-time job at the gas station

游客2023-09-15  14

W: I hear your son has started a part-time job at the gas station?
M: Yes. He works from 4 to 9 on Fridays and 1 to 10 on Saturdays and Sundays.
Q: How many hours does the man’s son work every week?
M: The visiting economist is speaking tonight. But Dr. Smith doesn’t seem to think much of him.
W: That’s because Dr. Smith comes from an entirely different school of thought.
Q: What do we learn from the woman’s remark?

选项 A、The visiting economist has given several lectures.
B、The guest lecturer’s opinion is different from Dr. Smith’s.
C、Dr. Smith and the guest speaker were schoolmates.
D、Dr. Smith invited the economist to visit their college.

答案 B
