[originaltext] The American political system has lasted since the: thirteen o
[originaltext] The American political system has lasted since the: thirteen o
The American political system has lasted since the: thirteen original colonies broke away from Great Britain. It has had to change, but it has always remained operable.
The American Founding Fathers thought that the national government should be strong. They also felt, though, that it should not be able to have complete control over people’s lives. When they wrote the Constitution, power was divided among the different parts of the government.
The national government was divided into three branches. Congress, which is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives, passes laws. When a president or judge is unfit to continue, it is the Congress that removes him from office.
The second branch is the executive branch. The president is the head of it. He is responsible for making decisions and enforcing the law.
The court system, under the Supreme Court, decides the meaning of laws. At times it also has to say what the Constitution means.
Not all power belongs to the national government. Many decisions are made by state and local governments. The national government is responsible for printing money. It also controls trade and is responsible for maintaining a military force.
The states kept some other powers. Among them are control over education and laws on marriage and divorce. States also make decisions on transportation within the state itself.
Still other powers are shared by the national and state governments. Both can collect taxes. And both have courts to try people who are accused of crimes.
There are many factors influencing the American way of government. These factors change with the times. There are some things that will probably never change. First is the idea that the majority rules. But the most important part of the system is the Bill of Rights, which is part of the Constitution. This is what gives people the freedom to choose their own religion, to speak out against the government, and to gather peacefully to protest against government actions.
A、Removing the President.
B、Enforcing the law.
C、Control over education.
D、Control over trade.
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