[originaltext]W: Pardon me, Mr. Brown, where are these vitamins located?M: You

游客2023-09-13  15

W: Pardon me, Mr. Brown, where are these vitamins located?
M: You need a prescription for those. If you have one, I can fill it for you right away.
Q: Who is Mr. Brown?
W: While the children are at the movie, I think I’ll drop into Drake’s Department Store and do a little shopping.
M: Good idea. While you’re there, will you pick up a couple of white shirts for me? And I need some cigarettes, too.
Q: What is the woman going to buy for herself?.

选项 A、She doesn’t say.
B、Some cigarettes.
C、Some colorful dresses.
D、White shirts.

答案 A

解析 细节推断题 对话中女士并没有谈到要为自己买的东西。