Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car, flying, swallowing anasp

游客2023-09-12  16

问题     Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car, flying, swallowing an
aspirin tablet or eating a chicken sandwich--they can all be fatal. Clearly
some risks worth taking, especially when the rewards are high: a man                   【S1】______
surrounded by flames and smoke generally considers that jumping out of a
second floor window is an acceptable risk to save its life. But in medicine a          【S2】______
few procedures, drugs, operations or tests are really a matter of life and death.      【S3】______
There may be sound medicine reasons for accepting electrical shock treatment,          【S4】______
but such reasons are totally dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for        【S5】______
the patients. Surgery for cancer may cure or prolong a life, but the removal of
tonsils (遍桃体) cannot save anything a sore throat. Blood pressure drugs              【S6】______
definitely help some people live after a heart attack, but these same drags may
be both necessary and harmful for those with only mild blood pressure                  【S7】______
problems. Deciding how much discomfort and risk we are preparing to put up             【S8】______
with in the name of better health is a high personal matter, not a decision we         【S9】______
should remain to doctors alone.                                                        【S10】______ [br] 【S10】


答案 remain→leave

解析 用词错误 remain意为“保持”,是一个表示状态的动词,其用法和系动词be相似,后面所接成分一般是名词或形容词,作表语。leave意为“留下,留给”,是及物动词。leave sth. to sb意为“把某物留给某人”。此处的句意为“不是一个我们应该留给医生所做的决定”。