Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified by the covers of
Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified by the covers of
Many people seem to think that science fiction is typified by the covers of some of the old pulp magazines. This is unfortunate because it demeans and degrades a worthwhile and even important literary endeavor. In contrast to this unwarranted stereotype, science fiction rarely emphasizes sex, and when it does, it is more discreet than other contemporary fiction. Indeed, the basic interest of science fiction lies in the relation between man and his technology and between man and the universe.
The question is: what is science fiction? And the answer must be, unfortunate, that there have been few attempts to consider this question at any length or with much seriousness; it may well be that science fiction will resist any comprehensive definition of its characteristics. To say this, however, does not mean that there are no ways of defining nor that various facets of its totality cannot be clarified. To begin with, the following definition should be helpful: science fiction is literary subgenre which postulates a change (for human beings) from conditions as we know them and follows the implications of these changes to a conclusion. Although this definition will necessarily be modified and expanded, and probably changed, in the course of this explosion, it covers much of the basic groundwork and provides a point of departure.
The first point--that Science fiction is a literary sub-genre--is a very important one, but one which is often overlooked or ignored in most discussions of science fiction. Specifically, science fiction is either a short story or a novel. There are only a few dramas, which could be called science fiction, with Karel Capek’s RUR (Rossum’s Universal Roots) being the only one that is well known; the body of poetry that might be labeled science fiction is the only slightly larger. To say that science fiction is a sub-genre of the prose fiction is to say that it has all the basic characteristics and serves the basic functions in much the same way as prose fiction in general-- that is, it shares a great deal with all other novels and short stories.
Everything that can be said about prose fiction, in general applies to science fiction. Every piece of science fiction, whether short story or novel, must have a narrator, a story, a plot, a setting, characters, language, and the theme. Themes in science fiction are constructed and presented in exactly the same ways that themes are dealt with in any other kind of fiction. They are the result of a particular combination of narrator, story, plot, character, setting, and language. In short, the reasons for reading and enjoying science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it, are basically the same as they would be for any other story or novel. [br] One implication of the final sentence in the passage is that ______.
A、the reader should turn next to commentaries on general fiction
B、there is no reason for any reader not to like science fiction
C、all fiction consists of six basic elements.
D、those who can read and analyze fiction can also do so with science fiction
根据文章最后1段最后1句:In short,the reasons for reading and enjoying science fiction, and the ways of studying and analyzing it,are basically the same as they would be for any other story or novel.可知,阅读和欣赏科普文章的原因以及分析和研究的方式与其他文学方式没有什么两样。故正确答案为D。
下列属于稳压泵不能正常启动的原因是()。A.稳压泵启泵压力设定不正确 B.稳
A.两杆均内侧受拉 B.两杆均外侧受拉 C.a杆内侧受拉,b杆外侧受拉 D
不适合脑脊髓液穿刺检查适应证的是A.中枢神经系统疾病椎管内给药治疗 B.脑瘤合
主要表现为收缩性心力衰竭的非特异性心肌病是A.原发扩张型心肌病 B.肥厚型
培训项目的开发与管理中,培训项目材料包括()。A.课程描述 B.课程的具体计
原发性肺结核好发于( )。A.下叶后基底段 B.上叶后段或下叶上段 C.上
根据第三版巴塞尔资本协议的要求,储备资本要求为( )。A.1% B.2%
下列质量数据特征值中,用来描述数据离散趋势的是( )。A.极差 B.中位数