[originaltext]W: Why didn’t you go to the hockey finals last weekend? You misse

游客2023-09-10  21

W: Why didn’t you go to the hockey finals last weekend? You missed a great game.
M: Oh, come on. You know how sensitive I am to loud noise.
Q: What can be inferred about the man?
M: Professor Taylor hinted that he wasn’t that keen off students’ using Internet sources in their papers, and seemed disappointed so many had.
W: I’m just wondering if he’ll take it out on me, especially. I used practically nothing else in mine.
Q: What does the woman mean?

选项 A、She’ll definitely get a good grade because she didn’t use Internet sources.
B、She’ll probably do badly on her paper since she used nothing but Internet sources.
C、She’ll get a bad grade because she used Internet sources rather than anything else.
D、She wonders how well she’ll perform on her paper for using Internet sources.

答案 B

解析 选项中的paper和Internet sources表明对话很可能与利用网络资源做论文有关。A的表述过于绝对(definitely),可初步排除。B中的probably和D中的wonders含有不确定的含义,是答案的可能性较大;disappointed so many had(used the Internet sources in their papers)表明Taylor教授实际上很反对学生利用网络资源写论文。used practically nothing else≈used nothing but Internet sources,女士很可能因此论文成绩不好。