[originaltext]M: In the past few months, I’ve introduced you five nurses. Now,

游客2023-09-10  12

M: In the past few months, I’ve introduced you five nurses. Now, what do you think of the latest one?
W: Well, she is not the worst one. Between her illnesses last month, she could do something for me.
Q: Which statement is true?
M: Hello, Susan, this is Jim. I’m afraid I have not been able to come to the excursion. I was just asked to go to have a meeting.
W: Do come after the meeting, Jim. We won’t start until you come back.
Q: Why did the man say that he couldn’t join the excursion?

选项 A、He was afraid he might be kept too late.
B、He would have something more important to do.
C、He was not in the mood to attend the excursion.
D、He had to make an appointment with a friend.

答案 A

解析 如果听到not able to come to the excursion势必要找原因,如果听到meeting一词,自然会想到是因为要开会,但又无法知道开会时间的长短,所以男士用一种担心的口吻说:I’m afraid…;B项说有更重要的事;C项说没有情绪;D项说另与朋友有约会,显然不合对话内容的实际。A项说担心开会开得太晚了,符合前面的推理,故选A。