[originaltext]M: When is the assignment due? And what type of report do you wan

游客2023-09-10  9

M: When is the assignment due? And what type of report do you want?
W: It is due on the twentieth. I expect a full research project, approximately 25 pages in length and typed.
Q: Who are the two people?

选项 A、A lawyer and her client.
B、A professor and a student.
C、A boss and her employee.
D、An editor and an author.

答案 B

解析 男士说“作业什么时候交?您要求的是什么类型的报告?”女士说“二十号到期。我要一个完整的研究计划,大约25页长,打印稿。”该题问“说话者是谁”。从对话中的关键词“assignment”和“research”来看,说话者应该是师生关系。故B项“教授和学生”为正确答案。