[originaltext]M: And now, Mrs. Smith, can you tell us what happened at your apa
[originaltext]M: And now, Mrs. Smith, can you tell us what happened at your apa
M: And now, Mrs. Smith, can you tell us what happened at your apartment when the earthquake ended?
W: Oh, it was terrible. I’ll never forget it. Well, Jack and I always get up at about a quarter to five. He has to work early. You see, while I was in the kitchen preparing breakfast, the quake came. There was this horrible sound and the floor was just bouncing and rolling like wave, all at the same time.
M: Then what did you do?
W: Well, we figure out it was an earthquake. Then I crawled under the table, and I shouted at Jack to come. But he just stood there.
M: Whoa!
W: It lasted 24 seconds, and then it stopped. And Jack and I could hear people talking outside, so we tried to go out to the front door, but it was jammed shut. And then the first aftershock hit.
M: That’s incredible. Then what did you guys do?
W: Well, I remember that someone shouted, "Get out of there, quickly!" Jack said: "Well, go out of the window." But I called out: "It’s too high up," because we were living on the second floor. "Not any more," Jack shouted back. So, we looked out of the window and, sure enough, we were down on the ground!
M: Your second floor apartment was on the ground?
W: We couldn’t believe it. We opened the window and crawled out. Once we were down safely, we turned around and looked back at our apartment building. The whole first was gone -- it was just totally flattened.
M: Mrs. Smith. Do you mean that the whole first floor was gone?
W: Yes, the first floor was gone.
M: And what about your apartment?
W: The apartment -- can you believe it? Had moved and stood there.
M: Incredible, Mrs. Smith, absolutely incredible.
A、They just lived in the first floor.
B、Their apartment building is lower than normal.
C、The floor below their apartment was totally flattened.
D、The ground was heightened because of the earthquake.
根据对话中提到的Once we were down safely... The whole first was gone — it was just totally flattened可推测,整个第一层楼全部坍塌夷为平地了,所以他们才直接从窗户跳到地面,故C项为答案。
病毒与其他微生物的根本区别在于病毒()。A.可通过细菌滤器 B.寄生在易感的
九味羌活汤证的病因病机是A、风邪在表,卫强营弱,营卫不和 B、风寒湿邪,困束肌
享有优先认股权的股东的选择有(). Ⅰ.认购新发行的普通股票Ⅱ.将该权利转让
A.首剂减半量 B.隔日疗法 C.每晚睡前1次给药 D.早晨1次顿服 E
当行政行为违法时,下列选项中,除()外,都拥有撤销权。A.人民法院. B.
现代意义上的结算机构的产生地是()。A.美国芝加哥 B.英国伦敦 C.法国
下列金融工具中,属于短期金融工具的是()。A.公司债券 B.股票 C.大额可