The most sparsely populated county in Wales is where you will find Britain’

游客2023-09-09  13

问题      The most sparsely populated county in Wales is where you will find Britain’s happiest place, say researchers, as Powys tops the list of 273 districts, with Edinburgh apparently the most miserable place in Britain. Eight of the top 10 districts with the highest levels of well-being are in Scotland or the north of England. However, the research results suggested that the differences between areas were due to personal circumstances rather than physical location.
     The study, by a team from the Universities of Sheffield and Manchester, used data from the. British Household Panel Survey, which questioned a representative sample from 5 000 households about their sense of well-being. The researchers were able to draw up a map of happiness down to district level across England, Scotland and Wales. Although the sample for each district was small, the team believes the findings are of interest from an academic point of view.
     Two former coal-mining communities in Wales were found to be less happy than the rest of the UK. But when factors such as employment, health and educational qualifications were taken into account, there were only very small differences between areas. The team found that the area of Brecknock, Montgomery and Radnor in Powys was the happiest place. Manchester came second, followed by West Lothian. Macclesfield, Nottingham and Falkirk were all in the top 10. The London borough of Sutton was one of the few places in the south of England to do well. Edinburgh was bottom of the list and Swansea and Doncaster also did poorly.
     Researcher Dr Dimitris Ballas, a senior lecturer in Geography from the University of Sheffield, said factors such as social cohesion seemed to be more important than location. "One of the advantages of ourmethod is that it takes into account both people and places. For instance, with unemployment we can say that people who are unemployed are on average happier in an area of high unemployment compared to being unemployed in an area where everyone else around you has a job."
     Another important factor in determining happiness was the length of time that a person spent living in a place. Staying in an area for five years or longer was an important indicator of well being, said the scientists.
     According to Dr Ballas, the state of interpersonal relationships was also seen as highly important, And this was more often the case in areas which were there was less inequality between people. "From what I’ve seen so far, my view is that if an area is more socially cohesive it, increases your chances of having good quality of interpersonal relationships and a good social network."  [br] Which of the following is the least important factor that decides people’s sense of happiness?

选项 A、Social cohesion.
B、Length of time a person spends living in a place.
C、The state of interpersonal relationships.
D、Physical location.

答案 D

解析 推理判断题 。文章最后三段每一段讲述了一个影响人们幸福感觉的重要因素。只有地理位置这一个因素没有突出强调。而且,在文章第一段的最后一句作者也提到“真正影响人们感觉的不是地理位置,而是人为的因素。”由此推断,最不重要的因素是D “地理位置”。