[originaltext]W: Don’t forget to buy some milk when you come back home; we have

游客2023-09-08  16

W: Don’t forget to buy some milk when you come back home; we have none in the fridge.
M: Well, I’m afraid I can’t go home on time today, as I have to meet a client in town this afternoon. But if you don’t mind, I will do the shopping.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
W: Officer, I need four help. My little daughter, Melinda, I can’t find her. We went to the museum today. She is only six...
M: Please take a seat and calm down, Madam. Take a deep breath and tell us what have happened.
Q: Where are the two speakers most probably?

选项 A、On the street.
B、In a park.
C、At a museum.
D、In the police station.

答案 D

解析 对话中,女士称呼男士为officer,并告诉他自己找不到女儿了,故可推知男士是警察,对话发生在警局。故答案为D项。