[originaltext]W: Don’t forget to buy some milk when you come back home; we have

游客2023-09-08  15

W: Don’t forget to buy some milk when you come back home; we have none in the fridge.
M: Well, I’m afraid I can’t go home on time today, as I have to meet a client in town this afternoon. But if you don’t mind, I will do the shopping.
Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers?
W: I will go to Tibet for holiday this summer. I have dreamt for years to go there. So what’s your holiday plan?
M: It’s hard to say. If I pass the final exams, I will have the most fantastic holiday as my parents have promised me. But if I don’t, it will be the same as the previous ones.
Q: What will the man’s holiday be like?

选项 A、It will be the most fantastic one.
B、It will be the same as the previous ones.
C、It depends on the man’s scores in the exams.
D、It will be spent in Tibet.

答案 C

解析 对话中,女士说暑假会去期待已久的西藏度假,并询问男士的假期计划;男士回答说很难说,如果通过了期末考试,他将有一个美好的假期,如果没有通过,只能像往常一样过暑假了。由此可推断,男士暑假的好坏与他的成绩挂钩,故选C项。