[originaltext]M: Out of all the movies that I’ve seen, I think If You Are the O

游客2023-09-08  10

M: Out of all the movies that I’ve seen, I think If You Are the One is the funniest one. I couldn’t keep from laughing throughout the whole movie.
W: That’s exactly how I felt. I was laughing the whole time, and my stomach muscles hurt afterwards.
Q: What are they talking about?
W:You are going to miss your sister since she is going to get married,aren’t you?
M:Sure.We have never been separated since her birth,almost for twenty years.Well,she’s grown up.I just hope that she is happy.
Q:What can we learn from the conversation?

选项 A、The man is going to get married.
B、The man’s sister is going to get married.
C、The woman has separated with the man.
D、The woman will miss her sister.

答案 B

解析 对话中,女士问男士是否想念他快结婚的妹妹,男士说是的,他和他妹妹二十年来从未分开过,她已经长大了,他只希望她快乐。根据对话内容可知本题答案为B 。