[originaltext]W: Hello, Dr. Christianson.M: Hello, Cathy, what can I do for yo
[originaltext]W: Hello, Dr. Christianson.M: Hello, Cathy, what can I do for yo
W: Hello, Dr. Christianson.
M: Hello, Cathy, what can I do for you?
W: Well, [22] I need an extension for my report on whales. Next Wednesday I am supposed to present in class and hand my report in, but I won’t be ready.
M: You had six weeks to work on this, and [23] I have a policy of penalizing heavily for late assignments. You lose 20% the first day, and 10% for each day after.
W: Well, my computer broke down and I lost everything. I have taken the computer into the Campus Computer Center but they cannot retrieve any of my files.
M: [24] 1 can sympathize with the computer issue, because it happened to me once when I was a student. My computer crashed just as I was on the last page of a 10,000-word essay. I assume this will be a lesson to you.
W: Oh yes.
M: Well, let’s look at the calendar and see if there is another opportunity for your presentation and report.
W: What about on November 29?
M: Let me see, no, that wouldn’t work as Jane Clark is doing her presentation that day.
W: I’m not sure I can get it finished much sooner as I have to start writing the report from scratch.
M: Well, perhaps I can allow you to hand in your report on November 29, but the presentation must be sooner. Looking at my calendar, the only possible day would be November 22. [25] Rob Metcalf was supposed to present that day but I understand he was in a serious car accident and had to withdraw from university.
W: I didn’t know that.
M: So, we have arranged for you to present on November 22, and hand in your report on November 29.
W: Thanks again, Dr. Christianson.
A、The professor will often extend the time limit for assignments.
B、The students will gain extra scores for handing in assignments ahead of time.
C、The professor will penalize lightly for late assignments.
D、The students will lose scores by the day for late assignments.
粒径≤2.5μm的大气颗粒物称为:A.气溶胶 B.可吸入颗粒物 C.细颗粒物
治疗风热咳嗽的首选方剂是A.银翘散 B.桑菊饮 C.杏苏散 D.金沸草散
根据菲利普斯曲线的解释,降低通货膨胀率的办法只能是()。A.减少货币供给量 B
毛泽东在《(共产党人)发刊词》中所说的“伟大的工程”是指( )。A.走农村包围
案例一(2): 求助者:谢谢您!那我跟您说说我的情况吧。 心理咨询师:好的。
感觉后像的特点包括( )。多选A.可分为正后像和负后像 B.彩色的负后像
()是供电电路采取提高功率因数措施的目的。A.减少用电设备的有功功率 B.