[originaltext]W: I’ve been running a mile every morning for almost a year. But

游客2023-09-08  12

W: I’ve been running a mile every morning for almost a year. But I still haven’t been able to lose more than a pound or two.  I wonder if this is worth it.
M: Well, if it was not for your good appetite, you would lose a few more pounds.
Q: What does the man imply?

选项 A、The woman should start running daily.
B、The woman should continue her exercise program.
C、The woman should eat less.
D、The woman should stop running daily.

答案 C

解析 男士认为,如果女士的胃口没那么好,也许会多瘦几磅,由此推知他认为女士应该少吃点,故选C项。