[originaltext]M: Professor White is really into class discussion. Almost in eve

游客2023-09-07  11

M: Professor White is really into class discussion. Almost in every of his class he would organize class discussion. To be honest, I’m fed up with it.
W: Really? Don’t you feel it enjoyable and quite beneficial?
M: No, I just feel it’s a waste of time.
W: I can’t see eye to eye with you. No matter what you think, I still believe class discussion is a good way of teaching and learning. As you know, class discussion can get us students more involved in what is being studied rather than sit there and listen all the time. We have a chance to speak our minds and share what we know about the subjects. Don’t you feel the same way?
M: Well, in a way what you said is true, but I’d rather listen to what the professor knows about the subjects, for he is expected to be better informed. I don’t think there is any point in wasting our time listening to other students who are as ignorant as us.
W: We may be ignorant in many aspects compared to the professor. But our opinions and experiences are also worth listening to and learning from. As the proverb goes, four eyes see more than two.
M: Sure, I understand many hands make light work. But some students are often dominant and aggressive in the discussion and do not respect others’ right to speak. I hate those self-important and irritating fellows.
W: I admit there are such moments in class discussion. But we should do justice to class discussion though some students fail to behave themselves and focus on the topic.

选项 A、It offers students a chance to speak and share their minds.
B、It helps students sit there and listen more carefully.
C、It gives teachers more time to prepare for class.
D、It can be organized by students themselves.

答案 A

解析 细节题。女士说课堂讨论是一种很好的教学方式,它使学生有机会speak our minds and share what we know about the subjects(畅所欲言并且分享彼此所知道的知识)。选项B的意思是能够使学生坐在座位上,更认真地听课;C选项是说能够给老师更多的时间去为上课做准备;选项D是说由学生自己组织。只有A选项与原文相符,所以答案是A。