[originaltext]W:I am so excited.We have two weeks off.What are you going to do?

游客2023-09-07  10

W:I am so excited.We have two weeks off.What are you going to do?
M:My parents have rented an apartment in Florida.I am going to take long walks along the beach every day and do lots of swimming.
Q:What will the man do in the holiday?
W:Do you need the temperature in Fahrenheit or Centigrade?
M:Fahrenheit.The newscasters often give us both now,but I am so used to the Fahrenheit scale while I just can’t get used to Centigrade.
Q:What does the man mean?.

选项 A、He wants to know the temperature in Fahrenheit.
B、He wants to know the temperature in Centigrade.
C、The newscasters always confuse the audience.
D、The newscasters can not understand Fahrenheit.

答案 A

解析 语义理解题。女士问男士是想知道华氏温度还是摄氏度温度,男士说尽管现在新闻播报中两种计量方法都会出现,但是他还是习惯用华氏温度。因此可以推断他想知道用华氏度计量的温度。  