[originaltext]M: I’ve been calling David for the past half hour.but I keep gett

游客2023-09-07  14

M: I’ve been calling David for the past half hour.but I keep getting a busy signal.
W: Well,if you don’t get him soon, we’ll just have to go to the movies without him.
Q: Why is the man trying to call David?
W: What a morning! My train usually takes forty—five minutes,but today it took me over an hour to get to campus:
M: I saw signs in the station that construction would be going on for the next three months.
Q: What can we infer from the conversation?

选项 A、Train service will return to normal in a few days.
B、The woman will never take trains to campus again.
C、The woman was ill-informed and took the wrong train.
D、Delays in train service will continue for some time.

答案 D

解析  女士抱怨今天花了1个多小时的时间返校,男士则说他看到车站的告示说建筑工程还要持续三个月的时间。不难推测,今后三个月火车还是会像今天一样晚点,因此选D。