Books,even in this age of cheap literature,cost money.The short of pa-

游客2023-09-07  14

问题    Books,even in this age of cheap literature,cost money.The short of pa-        【S1】______
per,together with the high cost of living, has made books an inexpensive item      【S2】______
in our list of requirements.This would mean that fewer people call afford to
have them.Yet there are people who think nothing of spending money on a
rich dinner,but don’t like to spend the same sum on books.Therefore,the
time has come for a new public library policy to be introduced,for the higher
the price of books the great tile need to give them the widest circulation possible 【S3】______
   The Hong Kong Government has set up Urban Council Libraries and study
rooms in various districts.There iS no doubt when books are wisely selected.       【S4】______
The libraries and study rooms have a great educational value, and have done
much to courage the habit of reading among the people.                              【S5】______
   For setting up 1ibraries,some factors should be taken to consideration.In       【S6】______
the first place,it is not enough to have just a building.equip it with shelves and
fill it books.The library building itself must be attractive in structure.desira   【S7】______
ble in atmosphere.and uncumbered i 11 administration.Then secondly,there is
the choice of suitable books to look into.
   Though most of the books are novels and most of tile readers are novel-
readers,read science fiction iS quite a source of amusement and pleasure.Al-       【S8】______ iS a mean of broadening one’S mind and learning more about life and hu       【S9】______
man being.Yet, there should always be many serious books—history, biogra
phy,travel,poetry and literature, which iS appreciated by many readers.           【S10】______ [br] 【S9】______


答案 mean→means

解析 用词不当。mean作名词表示“中间,中庸”,means表示“手段,方法”,并不是mean的复数。  