[originaltext]W: Look what a mess you’ve made! I’ve told you several times, but

游客2023-09-05  23

W: Look what a mess you’ve made! I’ve told you several times, but you just turn a deaf ear to me. Can you listen to my words for once?
M: Shut up! You’re driving me mad with your constant complaining.
Q: What does the woman complain about the man?
M: The visiting economist is speaking tonight, but Dr. Johnson doesn’t seem to think much of him.
W: That’s because Dr. Johnson comes from an entirely different school of thought.
Q: What do we learn from the woman’s remark?

选项 A、Dr. Johnson and the guest speaker were schoolmates.
B、Dr. Johnson invited the economist to visit their school.
C、The guest lecturer’s opinion is different from Dr. Johnson’s.
D、The economist and Dr. Johnson come from different schools. Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

答案 C

解析 由对话中文士提到的an entirely different school of thought.(完全不同的思想派别)可知,两人的观点不一致,故答案为[C]。school of thought意为“思想派别”,school在此并非指“学校”。