World leaders need to take action on the energy crisis that is taking shape

游客2023-09-05  14

问题     World leaders need to take action on the energy crisis that is taking shape before our eyes. Oil prices are【C1】______and it looks less and less likely that this is a bubble. The price of coal has doubled. Countries as far apart as South Africa and Tajikistan are【C2】______by power cuts. Rich states, no longer strangers to periodic blackouts (断电), are worried about【C3】______of energy supply. In the developing world, 1. 6 billion people—around a quarter of the human race—have no【C4】______to electricity.
    I believe that fundamental changes are【C5】______in the energy field whose significance we have not yet fully grasped. Global【C6】______for energy is rising fast as the population increases and developing countries such as China and India【C7】______dramatic economic growth. The International Energy Agency (IEA) says the world’s energy needs could be 50%【C8】______in 2030 than they are today. Yet the fossil fuels on which the world still depends are【C9】______and far from environmentally friendly. Serious thought needs to be given now to creating feasible【C10】______. The need for coordinated political action on energy and related【C11】______—climate change and alleviating poverty, to name but two—has never been more【C12】______. Yet there is no global energy【C13】______in which the countries of the world can agree【C14】______joint solutions to the potentially enormous problems we see【C15】______.
    So does the world really need yet another international organization?【C16】______, yes. A global energy organization would【C17】______, not replace, bodies already active in the energy field. It would bring a vital inter-governmental【C18】______to bear on issues that cannot be left to【C19】______forces alone, such as the development of new energy technology, the role of nuclear power, and innovative solutions for reducing pollution and greenhouse gas【C20】______ [br] 【C4】

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解析 名词辨析题。上一句提到了停电对富国的影响,本句进一步举例说明发展中国家的16亿人无电可用。同时此处要与空格后的to搭配使用,因此D)access(to)“使用(某种机会或权利)”,符合惯用搭配和句意。A)purchase“购买”和C)reach“伸手可及的范围”一般不与to搭配;B)approach“途径,方法”能与to搭配,但不符合句意。