[originaltext]W: (19)A group called Alliance for Excellent Education finds curr

游客2023-09-05  17

W: (19)A group called Alliance for Excellent Education finds current US dropout rates are a major drag on local economies. Michael is from the group and he’ll go deeper into it.
M: Yes. We used financial software to calculate the economic impact overall. The class of 2008 saw 600 000 kids drop out.
W: So what would have happened if that number was cut in half?
M: (20)There would be $4 billion in increased earnings. And all that earnings would result in increased spending and investing, which would be enough to support 30 000 new jobs at a time.
W: That’s a surprising number! And it will add up to a tax revenue of...
M: (20)State and local tax revenue would rise by $ 0.5 billion.
W: But the study shows just getting a diploma boosts the economy, right?
M: It is an incredible resource that is right there for us. Whether we have kids or not, whether we are car dealer, realtor (房地产经纪人). or a bank manager, we all benefit from a lower dropout rate. Right now there are 7 000 kids estimated who drop out of school every day.
W: So you agree with it?
M: Well, (21)I think the report underscores the notion that the best economic stimulus package is a high school diploma.
W: All right. So, what cities have the potential to add the most jobs if kids actually stay in school?
M: Well. (22)L. A., we are talking about 4 700 jobs; New York City, more than 3 000; Miami, nearly 2 000. So these are cities that certainly would benefit, all the people who live in them would benefit as well.
19. What does Alliance for Excellent Education find according to the conversation?
20. What does the statistics provided by the man show?
21. According to the man. what does the report emphasize?
22. Which cities will benefit if kids actually stay in school according to the conversation?

选项 A、We should make sure that our kids get a good education.
B、We’ll benefit from investing in our kids’ education.
C、It is everyone’s job to decrease high dropout rates.
D、A high school diploma is the best economic stimulus package.

答案 D

解析 事实细节题。在对话中,女士问男士一纸证书是否就能刺激经济发展,男士回答说,教育是一项非常重要的资源,我们总有一天会受益无穷,他又补充说这个报告强调了一个观念,即最好的经济刺激计划还是教育。