All the local government bodies are similar in their lack of rights to______. [b

游客2023-09-04  21

问题 All the local government bodies are similar in their lack of rights to______. [br] We can infer from the passage that a typical British local government______

选项 A、is totally free from interference of the central government
B、distributes powers among its numerous branches
C、consists of limited sub-level sections with rather centralized power
D、is more powerful than before

答案 B

解析 根据题干关键词a typical British local government定位到原文第二段。该段简要介绍了British system的发展历程和特点。从最后一句…its use of an extensive committee system, instead of a strong executive…可以推断出英国模式中,地方政府下设多个机构,并把权力细分下放到这些机构,B与之相符。第二段第三句中less central government interference说明地方政府在一定程度上受上级政府干预。第四句进一步说明中央政府有权取消或限制地方政府的权力,故排除A;C中limited sub-level sections with rather centralized power与原文的instead of a strong executive矛盾,故排除;D与原文…the powers of others were restricted矛盾,故排除。