Why does the author use the phrase "for next November" (Line 3, Para. 1)? [br] W

游客2023-09-04  13

问题 Why does the author use the phrase "for next November" (Line 3, Para. 1)? [br] What is NOT the cause for the imminent water war?

选项 A、Lack of water resources.
B、Lack of rainfall.
C、Inefficient use of water.
D、Water has replaced oil.

答案 D

解析 推断题。本题可采用排除法。由文章第二段前三句可知,即将到来的“水战”是由于对水的需求增大(即缺水)、干旱(即降水量小)和对水的浪费(即对水的利用率低)造成的,只有D(水取代了石油)不是“水战”的原因,故入选。